How to orient an objet to an other ? Just put those lines and change the instance name myTank.
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Download the source code here : []_Orient_object_to_mouse_cursor.fla
// This object will always look at the mouse cursor myTank.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, tankEnterFrame); // This function will be launched every frame (25 times by seconds); function tankEnterFrame(pEvt) { // pEvt.currentTarget : myTank var mc = pEvt.currentTarget; // Get the radian angle between the tank and the cursor // You can also replace mouseX and mouseY by another coordinates var angleRadian=Math.atan2(mouseY-mc.y,mouseX-mc.x); // Convert the radian angle in dedree var angleDegree = angleRadian * 180 / Math.PI; // Set the orientation mc.rotation = angleDegree; // Display angle of rotation in degree txtAngle.text = Math.round(angleDegree) + "°"; }