After calculating the angle of 2 graphic objects, you can also use this angle to throw a bullet to the object direction with the trigonometry.
How ?
- Calculating the angle (in radian) between 2 graphics objects with the Math.atan2 method (cf. Orient object to the mouse cursor).
- On click, display a bullet to the “tank” position and add an “enter frame” event on this bullet.
- And save the angle between the tank and the mouse cursor on the new bullet.
- Use this angle on the “enter frame” event to calculate the x and y speed with the cosinus and the sinus.
import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.geom.Point; import; // Code by Benoit Freslon. // Tutorials, Flash games: // // This object will always look at the mouse cursor myTank.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, tankEnterFrame); // This function will be launched every frame (25 times by seconds); function tankEnterFrame(pEvt) { // pEvt.currentTarget: myTank var mc = pEvt.currentTarget; // Get the radian angle between the tank and the cursor // You can also replace mouseX and mouseY by another coordinates var angleRadian = Math.atan2(mouseY - mc.y,mouseX - mc.x); // Convert the radian angle in dedree angle var angleDegree = angleRadian * 180 / Math.PI; // Set the orientation mc.rotation = angleDegree; // Display angle of rotation in degree txtAngle.text = Math.round(angleDegree) + "°"; } // Add a mouse down event on stage stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown); function mouseDown(pEvent) { // Create a new bullet var b = new Bullet(); // Set his position to the tank position b.x = myTank.x; b.y = myTank.y; // Save the randian angle between the mouse and the tank // This angle will set the direction of the bullet b.angleRadian = Math.atan2(mouseY - myTank.y,mouseX -myTank.x); // Add an enter frame event on each bullet b.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, bulletEnterFrame); // Add this display object on the display list addChild(b); } // Velocity of each bullet var speed = 8; function bulletEnterFrame(pEvent) { // Get the current object (Bullet) var b = pEvent.currentTarget; // Move this bullet on each frames // On X axis use the cosinus angle b.x += Math.cos(b.angleRadian) * speed; // On Y axis use the sinus angle b.y += Math.sin(b.angleRadian) * speed; // Orient the bullet to the direction b.rotation = b.angleRadian * 180 / Math.PI; // You have to remove each created bullet // So after every moves you must check bullet position // If the bullet is out of the screen if (b.x < 0 || b.x > 400 || b.y < 0 || b.y > 400) { // Remove it from the display list removeChild(b); // /!\ AND REOMOVE HIS EVENT LISTER b.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, bulletEnterFrame); } }
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